I just wanted to make a post regarding this posts that include personal projects and articles and would like some sort of consensus from the community (if there isn't one already). As a general rule I think we should not allow for promotion of personal content on this platform as it fills an otherwise useful website up with noise and spam.
I'm saying this in spite of being a content creator myself as I feel this site serves a completely separate purpose.
Practically speaking what does this mean?
No links to external non-academic sources in questions/answers.
This means i don't think its useful to say (albeit with a bit of sarcasm)
EconJohn Writes:
... and thats why we need to use my microsoft excel randomizer model for the probability of intergalactic space slavery for understanding international trade policy between Canada and Austria. check this out more on my youtube channel/blog (URL).
now though id like to make a policy regarding questions of "inventing new models" (though im probably guilty of this in the past and still have fun with the exercise on my own website), I feel first and for most we need to have written site policy regarding the promotion of self made materials and external sources.