In this question, a close-vote was justified as follows:
The question is too broad. But, more importantly, it is not at all an expert-level question, to the degree that intermediate undergraduate courses in Economics should discuss this topic. Hence I voted close under the off topic reason.
It is clear then that the specific user sees this site as a site only for "expert-level" questions.
I disagree, for the following two reasons:
A) An "expert-level" only site will have too small a potential target popualtion from which the community members will come. "Expert-level" rules out even graduate students -what is being taught in various masters around the world is not at all expert-level. "Expert-level" is equivalent to "professional academic level", so full time academics, PhD's, late-phase PhD candidates, early-phase PhD candidates (grudgingly accepted), and maybe the occasional amateur who is really inamorata with Economics and has studied the field deeply. My forecast is that with such a restricted target audience, the site will eventually die.
B) More personally, this is not my vision for this site. I see also an educational aspect to it. I believe that this site should accept any question that relates to the scientific study and scientific application of Economics and Econometrics.
But of course, my vision is not the "vision-to-be-formed" by the actual community that just started to materialize.
So I am putting this up for discussion, comment, answer, up-voting, down-voting (remember, votes in the meta-site predominantly mean "agree-disagree", so if you don't want to write an answer expressing your opinion, you can just up-vote or down-vote this question).
This is the defining moment people! Here in private beta. So please, participate in this discussion.