I was looking for a proof of the von Neumann Morgenstern Theorem (That the axioms lead to a unique utility function which is linear in probability). The best thing I could find was a sketch of the proof on wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Von_Neumann%E2%80%93Morgenstern_utility_theorem Which I didn't like from a formal perspective (finite amount of outcomes with mixes in probability, and only an intuition why the linearity makes sense and doesn't violate the axioms, instead of actually showing that there is only one possible function apart from a linear transformation and that this function is linear in probability).
So I started to try and proof it myself and I think I managed to show this theorem for an arbitrary large set of prospects, the uniqueness and linearity in probability.
So now I don't want this work to get lost and I wonder where it makes most sense to post it. The obvious idea would be to edit the wiki entry, but I would like someone to proof read, which is probably more likely on a site like this instead of wikipedia. And I don't know what wiki policies are on full proofs - I never really engaged in wikipedia as an editor.
Would posting this here be an abuse of the site? Or generally opinions/advice on what I should do.